Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 13616
Country/Region: Côte d'Ivoire
Year: 2016
Main Partner: Columbia University
Main Partner Program: Mailman School of Public Health
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: PEPFAR no longer creates activity narratives for each mechanism. In their place, PEPFAR has begun releasing mechanism specific targets that reveal the achievements and programs that are expected of the funding. If available for this mechanism, these targets are presented below.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC) $0
Care: TB/HIV (HVTB) $0
Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS) $0
Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB) $0
Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT) $0
Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) $0
Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS) $0
Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX) $0
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

MER Indicator MER description Target Fiscal Year Target
GEND_GBV Age/Sex: 15-19 Female 2017 5
GEND_GBV Age/Sex: 20-24 Female 2017 13
GEND_GBV Age/Sex: 25-49 Female 2017 89
GEND_GBV By PEP service provision (related to sexual violence services provided) 2017 41
GEND_GBV By type of service: Physical and/or Emotional Violence (Other Post-GBV Care) 2017 67
GEND_GBV By type of service: Sexual Violence (Post-Rape Care) 2017 39
GEND_GBV Number of people receiving post-GBV care 2017 107
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: <15 Female 2017 3,379
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: <15 Male 2017 3,694
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Female 2017 35,211
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2017 38,157
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2017 80,441
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point (Facility): Inpatient 2017 24,944
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point (Facility): Malnutrition facilities 2017 520
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point (Facility): Outpatient 2017 2,954
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point (Facility): PMTCT 2017 50,415
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point (Facility): TB Clinics 2017 1,581
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2017 7,073
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2017 73,368
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2017 80,441
HTS_TST_POS Test Result by Aggregated Age and Sex: Positive <15 Female 2017 190
HTS_TST_POS Test Result by Aggregated Age and Sex: Positive <15 Male 2017 253
HTS_TST_POS Test Result by Aggregated Age and Sex: Positive 15+ Female 2017 1,464
HTS_TST_POS Test Result by Aggregated Age and Sex: Positive 15+ Male 2017 1,590
LAB_PT HIV serologic/diagnostic testing: Number of laboratories that achieve acceptable successful passing criteria in this PT program 2017 26
LAB_PT HIV serologic/diagnostic testing: Number of laboratories that participate in this PT program 2017 32
LAB_PT HIV serologic/diagnostic testing: Number of laboratories that perform this testing 2017 32
LAB_PT HIV viral load: Number of laboratories that achieve acceptable successful passing criteria in this PT program 2017 1
LAB_PT HIV viral load: Number of laboratories that participate in this PT program 2017 1
LAB_PT HIV viral load: Number of laboratories that perform this testing 2017 1
LAB_PT TB diagnostics (AFB microscopy): Number of laboratories that achieve acceptable successful passing criteria in this PT program 2017 8
LAB_PT TB diagnostics (AFB microscopy): Number of laboratories that participate in this PT program 2017 8
LAB_PT TB diagnostics (AFB microscopy): Number of laboratories that perform this testing 2017 20
PMTCT_ART Already on ART at beginning of current pregnancy 2017 559
PMTCT_ART New on ART 2017 1,001
PMTCT_ART Number of pregnant women with known HIV status (includes women who were tested for HIV and received their results) 2017 51,045
PMTCT_EID By infants who received a virologic test within 2 months of birth 2017 870
PMTCT_EID By infants who received their first virologic HIV test between 2 and 12 months of age 2017 462
PMTCT_EID Number of infants with a positive virological test result within 12 months of birth 2017 42
PMTCT_EID Number of infants with a positive virological test result within 2 months of birth 2017 37
PMTCT_EID Sum of Infant Age disaggregates 2017 1,332
PMTCT_STAT By: Known positives at entry 2017 546
PMTCT_STAT By: Number of new positives identified 2017 1,046
PMTCT_STAT Number of new ANC and L&D clients 2017 52,167
PMTCT_STAT Number of pregnant women with known HIV status (includes women who were tested for HIV and received their results) 2017 51,045
PMTCT_STAT Sum of Positives Status disaggregates 2017 1,592
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Female <15 (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2017 3
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Female 15+ (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2017 108
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Male <15 (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2017 6
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Male 15+ (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2017 97
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period 2017 221
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period 2017 214
TB_SCREENDX [Sub-Disagg of Screen Result] Specimen Sent: Specimen sent for bacteriologic diagnosis of active TB 2017 1,311
TB_SCREENDX [Sub-Disagg of Specimen Sent] Diagnostic Test: other (not Xpert) 2017 165
TB_SCREENDX [Sub-Disagg of Specimen Sent] Diagnostic Test: Smear only 2017 999
TB_SCREENDX [Sub-Disagg of Specimen Sent] Diagnostic Test: Xpert MTB/RIF assay 2017 190
TB_SCREENDX Screen Result: Screened Positive for TB 2017 1,311
TB_SCREENDX Screened for TB by Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2017 8,886
TB_SCREENDX Screened for TB by Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2017 3,498
TB_SCREENDX Screened for TB by Age/Sex:<15 Female 2017 378
TB_SCREENDX Screened for TB by Age/Sex:<15 Male 2017 380
TB_SCREENDX The number of PLHIV who were screened for TB symptoms at the last clinical visit at a HIV facility during the reporting period 2017 13,142
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Female <15 (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2017 31
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Female 15+ (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2017 634
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Male <15 (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2017 46
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Male 15+ (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2017 909
TB_STAT Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period 2017 1,620
TB_STAT Total number of registered new and relapsed TB cases, during the reporting period 2017 1,658
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: <1 2017 93
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 1-9 2017 419
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 10-14 Female 2017 94
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 10-14 Male 2017 108
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 15-19 Female 2017 61
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 15-19 Male 2017 61
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 20-24 Female 2017 215
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 20-24 Male 2017 61
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 25-49 Female 2017 2,635
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 25-49 Male 2017 1,241
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 50+ Female 2017 354
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 50+ Male 2017 378
TX_NEW Number of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2017 5,720
TX_NEW Sum of Age/Sex disaggregates 2017 5,208
TX_PVLS Number of adult and pediatric ART patients with a viral load result documented in the patient medical record and /or laboratory records in the past 12 months 2017 15,323
TX_PVLS Number of adults and pediatric patients on ART with suppressed viral load results (<1,000 copies/ml) documented in the medical records and /or supporting laboratory results within the past 12 months 2017 11,754
TX_PVLS Numerator Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2017 440
TX_PVLS Numerator Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2017 456
TX_PVLS Numerator Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2017 7,194
TX_PVLS Numerator Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2017 3,664
TX_PVLS_den Denominator Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2017 573
TX_PVLS_den Denominator Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2017 587
TX_PVLS_den Denominator Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2017 9,565
TX_PVLS_den Denominator Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2017 4,847
TX_RET Age/Sex: <1 (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 10
TX_RET Age/Sex: 1-9 (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 79
TX_RET Age/Sex: 10-14 Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 23
TX_RET Age/Sex: 10-14 Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 23
TX_RET Age/Sex: 15-19 Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 28
TX_RET Age/Sex: 15-19 Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 8
TX_RET Age/Sex: 20-24 Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 110
TX_RET Age/Sex: 20-24 Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 21
TX_RET Age/Sex: 25-49 Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 1,242
TX_RET Age/Sex: 25-49 Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 596
TX_RET Age/Sex: 50+ Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 183
TX_RET Age/Sex: 50+ Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2017 209
TX_RET Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART 2017 2,532
TX_RET Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up 2017 3,150
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: >1 (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 14
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 1-9 (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 108
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 10-14 Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 29
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 10-14 Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 30
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 15-19 Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 43
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 15-19 Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 10
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 20-24 Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 137
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 20-24 Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 30
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 25-49 Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 1,551
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 25-49 Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 731
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 50+ Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 216
TX_RET_den Age/Sex: 50+ Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2017 251